Integration - information for family migrants and other migrants

As a new resident of The Netherlands, you have to integrate. Integration means you have to learn the Dutch language, and that you learn about living in The Netherlands. The goal is to have you participating in Dutch society as soon as possible.

The integration starts when the IND announces your right to reside in The Netherlands. The starting date for the integration is also stated in the letter about integration that you will receive from DUO. If that date is 1 january 2022 or later, the Wet inburgering 2021 (Integration Law 2021) applies. If your starting date is earlier than 1 january 2022, please open the webpage Wet Inburgering 2013 (Integration Law 2013).

When you have to take an integration course, you receive a letter from DUO (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs). This letter informs you about the starting date and the deadline for your integration. Integration consists of 7 steps.

Step 1  Conversations at the municipality

The municipality invites you for 2 conversations. These appointments are called ‘brede intake’. You will be assigned a contact person, whom we call the integration consultant. 
During these conversations, we want to get to know you. That’s why we ask a lot of questions about who you are, what you can do and what you want. These questions are for example about work experience, education and health. 
You will take an examen as well. This examen is called ‘leerbaarheidstoets’. This exam informs us about the method you can learn Dutch.

Step 2  The integration plan

After the ‘brede intake’ conversations, together with you the municipality decides what integration course fits best. In the integration plan, that is called ‘plan inburgering en participatie’ (PIP), we write down the goals and obligations for the integration.

Step 3  The integration course

There are different courses to learn Dutch. These courses are called ‘leerroutes’. 
The ‘leerroutes’ are: 

  • B1-route Learning the Dutch language at B1 level. This course will be completed with exams. 
  • Onderwijsroute Learning the Dutch language at B1 level preparing to start an education. 
  • Z-route Learning the Dutch language you need in daily life. You will also learn about how to get a job. And about which activities are available in the Dutch society. 

These courses take up to 3 years. At the end of the course, you can get your integration diploma. 
You are responsible for arranging and paying an integration course. You can borrow money from DUOexterne-link-icoon if needed. We can help you with finding the right educational institute.  

Step 4  Participatieverklaringstraject (PVT)

Except for learning the Dutch language, you also learn about the important core values of The Netherlands. This special program is an obligation. It is called ‘participatieverklaringstraject’ (PVT). You participate in this program in the first year you are living in The Netherlands. 
The municipality signs you up for this program at Danner and Danner. Danner and Danner will send you an invitation. The municipality pays this program for you.

Step 5  Module arbeidsmarkt en participatie (MAP)

The ‘module arbeidsmarkt en participatie (MAP)’ is a mandatory program of the integration. During this program, you learn about working in The Netherlands. You will gain practical experience. 
The municipality signs you up for this program at EDINOVA. EDINOVA will send you an invitation. The municipality pays this program for you. 
To complete this part of the integration, you will have a conversation with the municipality. In the case that you are taking the onderwijsroute, you will skip this program. You will get help with finding the right education.

Step 6   How is your integration going?

During the integration course, the integration consultant will stay in touch with you. We will check if everything is going well during the course. If needed, we will make new arrangements with you. You are obliged to cooperate with the integration.

Step 7  At the end of the integration

When you’ve finished all parts of the integration course, you can finish the integration. The municipality lets DUO know what the results are. DUO will judge the results, and will take a look at the results of te integration exams. They decide if you’ve completed the integration.

More Information

If you want more information, you can call us: 0255 567200. You can also send an e-mail to: You can also visit www.inburgeren.nlexterne-link-icoon for more information.